It has been very hot here for the last couple weeks, getting into the high 30's most days so we decided to take some of the kids from the group homes to "The Weekend", everyone from our Edge team loves this place. Its a great place to hang out and get a bit of sun while taking the occasional dip in the green sludge. Actually the water is a lot cleaner this year so it's all good.
Anyway we took about 10 kids from one of the houses a few days ago and we had a blast. I mostly played around in the kiddy pool (73% pee, 27% water) with two of the little boys, Funel and Sergieo. They are so funny and I was laughing almost the whole day listening to them talk unintellegibly in their slurred Romanian. The only problem was that it's hard to keep the sun screen on when you're in the water the whole day so I ended up winning the "Mr Burnt Romania" contest. Ouch! It actually wasn't that bad but I was a nice glowing shade of pink for the next day or so.
The picture above is Funel wrapped in his towel and Ibi posing behind. Good times were had by all, we beat the heat for a few hours and we gave the house moms a bit of a break, so everyone's happy.
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