Paul Coles, Youthworkerish type guy. Present location: Targu Mures, Romania. Married to an amazing girl named Fiona. I'm on a JOURNEY and have no idea where I'll end up other than in the hands of God.

Tuesday, December 24, 2002

Hello to all those out there in Blogger land. It is Christmas eve and I am ready to getting ready to celebrate to rise of capitalism and the dawn of materialsm tomorrow, of yeh, and something to do with a kid that told us to love each other, who knows. I am at my in-laws and we are just chillin and not doing a whole lot of anything. Christmas is actually great for that because it is the only time of the year that I can sit areound and do absolutely nothing for a few day and not feel the slightst bit of guilt about it. Im not sure if that was what Jesus came to give us but that is what I am doing this year. Tomorrow I am going to eat enough food to feed half of Southern Africa and then I will regret ever thinking of such a thing tomorrow night. Its amazing how we get sucked in to so many things that we fundamentaly disagree with, but we end up doing it any way because it is easier to, than not to. My convictions will have to be postponed for another couple of days. How crap is that. That is why I really need God. Well after all that all I can say is Merry Christmas, some how let this actually be Christmas.


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