The Underground

A few weeks ago we started aThursday night youth event for the teenagers from the orphanages that go to school in TarguMures. It has been a great experience so far. We expected about 40 kids to come and have had at least 60 each night.
The night is kind of like Beyond the Edge (for those of you from the Hinch) but the young people actually want to play the games... and I don't get sweets thrown at me when I'm talking... which is always a good thing.

These pictures are of us playing the Q-tip game (or the cotton bud game - depending on what side of the pond you are from). This is always a good one to get people involved and laughing.
We are using the basment of a Church, which they have graciously let us use. It's a great space but it has a tile floor and high masionary walls so it has about a 10 echo which makes for a extremely lound night. But it's fun.
We are also walking through the life of Jesus for the next several weeks. I hope they will meet the real person that walked our streets, laughed with us, cried with us, loved us, served us and died for us so we can have so much more than this tiny planet. Please pray that we all get to know Him better along this journey.
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