This one's for Mr Nixon. Frissssbeeeeee!..... Breakdance!

I took this picture a couple of weeks ago when we were visiting some group homes.
Csabi was Niall's best mate at camp this summer. If you ever need a lift in life he is the guy that you want to hang out with. The expression that is on his face in this picture is what you always get from him. He literally never stops smiling... and he has been through a lot in his young life.
Fantastic! These are the times I love this job.

Crackin picture... could do with a few smiles like that round here!!
10:12 AM
Paul, got a new blog at, nothing on it yet but there will be soon. Great to hear all the exciting stuff going on. Im loving P.E but always missing the good old norn irish craic....yorkshire just doesnt do it for me!! jojo
8:40 AM
Cabi!!! Football! Frisbee! - class memories paul - he obviously hasnt changed a bit! Great to see that smile again!!
10:56 PM
Cabi!!! Football! Frisbee! - class memories paul - he obviously hasnt changed a bit! Great to see that smile again!!
10:56 PM
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