Well the maddness of planning, building and running a summer full of camps for kids from all over our county is over. Our holiday that seemed all too short is over and Fiona and I are back to our normal life in Targu Mures.
Here are some of my favourite memories from the last few months...
It all started with a lot of new experience in building and general grunt work.
This is a face I will never forget. But its the shorts that will be perminately etched in my brian. For 2 1/2 hours one Tuesday we thought our time running camps in Romania was going to be short lived as we searched every inch of "the weekend" and TM for "a small boy in red shorts with a white and grey stripe, that might or might not respond to his name, Alin!"
This is one of the cutest little kids I have ever seen. Emilia always had bright eyes and a huge smile.
Every week we made the long but worthwhile trip up the Magic Mountain to touch the tree of life. Every time you touch it you add another 20 years on to your life. I have a long old road ahead of me if that is true.
It was great to have some of the teenagers that we see every week at camp with us this summer. This is Levi who encourages me every Saturday morning in my lame atempts at playing football with the boys from Ludus.
The infamous assult course. In week one at camp it took us 1 1/2 hours to set it up and only took the kids 6 1/2 mins to complete it. By the end of the summer we were setting it up about 30 mins and it was taking the kids about 20 mins to complete it. Thats what I call progress.
Transformator time with Fiona! You wouldn't even believe me if I told you. You just had to be there.

And this last glimps of what took 2 months to set up and only 2 days to dismantel. Thats all for Tabara Vetca 2007.
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